Artistic Recovery
12-Month Course
Workshop Outline | Details | Testimonials
Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6
Session 7 | Session 8 | Session 9 | Session 10 | Session 11 | Session 12
What is a
Manuscript Assessment?
A Manuscript Assessment is an informed review of your story. It allows The Story Mentor to bring his storytelling experience and fresh eyes to your manuscript to determine whether the concept and story works as a whole.
During a Manuscript Assessment, The Story Mentor:
Reviews your story with experienced eyes;
Assesses the story as a whole;
Offers suggestions on how to improve it;
Identifies any sections that need clarification;
Recommends what to add or remove;
Pinpoints plot holes and errors in logic; and
Advises your next best course of action.
When Should I Get a
Manuscript Assessment?
A Manuscript Assessment is recommended for writers with a completed early draft of their story.
Often writers become too close to their stories and struggle to recognise its quality components from its obvious flaws. If this has happened to you, then you need a Manuscript Assessment.
The Story Mentor approaches your manuscript with fresh eyes, allowing him to see clearly what works and what needs improvement.
Workshop Outline
Having trouble finding inspiration to write or undertake any other creative work? Need help rediscovering your creative source? Then you need to attend this course.
Drawing on the work of Julia Cameron and the basic psychology of creativity, this course aims to help participants recover their creativity and become the vibrant creative beings they are. Each week participants will learn about different aspects of their creativity, check in with themselves, and participate in activities within and outside the workshops in order to reconnect with their creative selves so they can continue creating.
Course Outcome: Reconnect with your creative self or connect with it on a deeper level so you can become a vibrant creative being.
Disclaimer: Some of the topics The Story Mentor covers in this course may be confronting to some individuals. If you feel you may have issues with some of this material, The Story Mentor recommends consulting a clinical psychologist or counsellor before and during the course because The Story Mentor is not a trained psychologist or counsellor. The course is about your personal journey and that requires that participants take responsibility for their own well-being for the duration of the course.
Individual session workshop outlines are below.
2020. Exact dates to be confirmed.
Mattie Furphy House
Fellowship of Australia Writers Western Australia
88 Wood Street
Swanbourne WA
12x 4-hour workshops
$900 per person
Payment Methods
Bank Transfer (email The Story Mentor for details)
Cash on the day
If you are interested in The Story Mentor running this workshop, please email him:
Limited places. Booking essential.
Bookings close: TBC
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Session 1
Recover a Sense of Safety
Identify your shadow artists
Examine your core negative beliefs
Uncover your affirmative weapons within
Develop personal creative affirmations
Learn how to use the three basic tools of creative recovery
Workshop Outcome
Learn to feel safe enough to practice creativity.
Session 2
Recover a Sense of Identity
Learn how to go sane
Identify poisonous playmates and crazymakers
Overcome learnt scepticism
Redirect your attention towards your creative life
Learn the “Rules of the Road”
Workshop Outcome
Locate your creative Self
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What is a
Manuscript Assessment?
When Should I Get a
Manuscript Assessment?
A Manuscript Assessment is recommended for writers with a completed early draft of their story.
Often writers become too close to their stories and struggle to recognise its quality components from its obvious flaws. If this has happened to you, then you need a Manuscript Assessment.
The Story Mentor approaches your manuscript with fresh eyes, allowing him to see clearly what works and what needs improvement.
Session 3
Recover a Sense of Power
Examine the concepts of anger, synchronicity, and shame
Learn how to deal with criticism
Understand how to grow as an artist
Workshop Outcome
Locate the source of your creative power and understand how to harness it.
Session 4
Recover a Sense of Integrity
Discover how to implement honest changes
Explore your buried dreams
Understand the benefits of depriving yourself of external stimulation
Workshop Outcome
Generate new self-awareness of your creative Self through introspection.
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Session 5
Recover a Sense of Possibility
Understand your limits
Locate the river of your creativity
Learn our the virtue trap
Engage with forbidden joys
Make a wish list
Workshop Outcome
Discover how you are keeping yourself creatively stuck and learn how to overcome these self-restrictions.
Session 6
Recover a Sense of Abundance
Learn about the great creator
Create luxury
Discern your money making perspective
Workshop Outcome
Examine your attitude about money and it's relationship to your creativity and overcome any limiting beliefs about it.
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Session 3
Weaving a Sturdy Character Web
Develop a character web
Expand your characters by drawing from archetypes
Individualise characters within web
Build conflict within the character web
Workshop Outcome
Develop a sturdy character web
Session 4
Creating Believable Characters
Understand the process of character change
Establish a empathetic protagonist
Chart the protagonist's character change over the course of the story
Create a believable antagonist
Workshop Outcome
Establish a believable protagonist and antagonist
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Session 7
Recover a Sense of Connection
Learn how to survive creative losses and how they can become creative gains
Examine common excuses for not doing the work
Understand how to take recovery and projects one step at a time
Uncover debilitating patterns from your early creative growth
Workshop Outcome
Learn how to overcome the creative block of time and identify ways you can make in your life.
Session 8
Recover a Sense of Creative Strength
Learn to listen out for your inner artist
Understand the perils of perfectionism
Discover the importance of creative risks
Create a map of your creative jealousy
Workshop Outcome
Excavate your genuine creative interest and learn the right attitudes towards your creativity.
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Session 9
Recover a Sense of Compassion
Understand fear, enthusiasm, and creative u-turns
Explore how to blast through creative blocks
Workshop Outcome
Explore the emotional difficulties that hinder our creative efforts and face our internal blocks.
Session 10
Recover a Sense of Self-Protection
Examine the dangers of the creative trail, including workaholism and creative drought
Discover how to overcome creative drought
Learn how to cope with competition and fame
Workshop Outcome
Explore the perils that can ambush our creativity and the toxic patterns we cling to.
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Session 3
Weaving a Sturdy Character Web
Develop a character web
Expand your characters by drawing from archetypes
Individualise characters within web
Build conflict within the character web
Workshop Outcome
Develop a sturdy character web
Session 4
Creating Believable Characters
Understand the process of character change
Establish a empathetic protagonist
Chart the protagonist's character change over the course of the story
Create a believable antagonist
Workshop Outcome
Establish a believable protagonist and antagonist
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Session 11
Recover a Sense of Autonomy
Learn how to trust our inner artist and the mystery of creativity
Encourage our imagination to play
Discern how avoid the desire to escape from our creativity
Workshop Outcome
Set our creative aims and and renew our commitment to these tools.
Session 12
Recover a Sense of Faith
Learn how to cope with success
Discover the benefits of physical activity for creativity
Establish how to build an artist’s altar
Workshop Outcome
Learn how to best nurture and accept ourselves as artists and not sabotage our creative freedom.
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